Welcome to our laboratory (Updated: January 2025),研究室見学はいつでもWelcomeです!
2024.08.08 XU and H. WANG presented at the 20th JSM conference.
2024.08.05 NISHIMURA, OBRA, S. WANG, XU and ZHOU presented at ICONE31.
2024.04.01 New B4 students, HASEGAWA, KITAGAWA, MASHIKO, and TANAKA have joined our group!
2024.04.01 Three new M1 students, KANO, YAMASAKI, and BOLD have joined our group!
2024.04.01 YOKOYAMA is appointed as an assistant professor. Welcome!
2024.03.27 ZHOU won the best presentation award at AESJ 2024. Congrats!
2024.03.27 NISHIMURA, OBRA, XU, ZHOU, SHARMA, and MIWA presented at AESJ 2024 in Osaka.
2024.03.16 Part of our research work was featured in NHK, The Road to Decommissioning.
2024.03.12 Dr. Rafael Mariano Grossi of IAEA gave a talk at UTokyo.
2023.12.16 AOKI won the Grand Prize at RSi Contest 2023 held in Niigata. Congrats!
2023.11.28 XU won the best presentation award at ISMTMF held at Tokyo Institute of Technology. Congrats!
2023.11.15 Dr. Hugo Laffolley joined our group as a post-doc. Welcome!
2023.11.13 AHMED won the best paper award at the SCOPE conference. Congrats!
2023.10.01 Juyong JUNG, Hanyu WANG and Chen ZENG joined our group as Ph.D. students. Welcome!
2023.09.06 OBRA, NISHIMURA, NODA, ZHOU, and MIWA participated in AESJ Meeting at Nagoya University.
2023.08.28 SHARMA's paper was published in JAS. Congrats!
2023.08.20 YAO, OZDEMIR, PELLEGRINI, MIWA, and OKAMOTO participated in NURETH-20
2023.08.05 Laboratory trip was successfully held in Nasu, Tochigi.
2023.07.31 SATOMI sucessfully defended her M.S. thesis. Congrats!
2023.07.27 MIWA gave a talk at Imperial College London.
2023.07.21 SHI sucessfully defended his Ph.D. thesis. Congrats!
2023.07.10 MIWA, OKAMOTO, and SOMEYA gave talks at ISFV2023.
2023.06.30 PELLEGRINI and MIWA gave talks at OECD/NEA FACE Project Convocation.
2023.06.19 OZDEMIR presented at ISPIV2023.
2023.05.25 NISHIMURA was selected as the recipient ofAKIYAMA MEDAL at ICONE30. Congrats!
2023.05.25 XU won the Best Paper Award at ICONE30. Congrats!
2023.05.25 YAO won the Best Poster Award at ICONE30. Congrats!
2023.05.16 SHI won the Superior Paper Award at WM2023 Symposia. Congrats!
2023.05.16 XU, YAO, and ZHOU participated in UT2-MAC Joint Graduate Student Workshop
2023.04.02 OWA, JUNG, OBRA, and WANG joined our group. Welcome!
2023.04.02 CHEN, SHARMA, PELLEGRINI, MIWA, and OKAMOTO participated in ICMF2023.
2023.03.31 Prof. Yannis Hardalupas of Imperial College-London has visited our laboatory.
2023.03.20 Kosei BAMBA of Niigata High School joined our group as a summer high school intern. Welcome!
2023.03.14 NISHIMURA won the Young Researcher's Award at the AESJ Spring Meeting. Congrats!
2023.02.28 NISHIMURA won the Young Researcher's Award at the seminar held by AESJ KANTO/KOETSU Branch. Congrats!
2023.02.20 YAO, OZDEMIR, SHARMA, MIWA, and PELLEGRINI participated in CFD4NRS-9.
2023.02.15 Prof. Masahiro KAWAJI of CCNY joined our laboratory as a visiting faculty. Welcome!
2023.01.12 ALLAF's paper was published in JNST. Congrats!
2022.11.05 HONG and MIWA presented at TYSAN2022 symposium.
2022.11.04 YOKOYAMA's paper was published in NED. Congrats!
2022.10.28 MIWA gave a keynote lecture at NTHAS12 Student Seminar.
2022.10.23 Laboratory BBQ party was held with family members!
2022.10.14 SUZUKI, PELLEGRINI (Keynote) and YOKOYAMA presented at FDR2022
2022.10.14 FDR2022, organized by SUZUKI and OKAMOTO, was successfully held at J Village
2022.10.11 MIWA gave a talk at the JSME Fluid Mechanics Division Seminar (Invited)
2022.10.01 Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed joined our group. Welcome!
2022.10.01 Yihua Xu and Wen Zhou joined our group. Welcome!
2022.09.22 ALLAF, HONG, and NANJO graduated with Ph.D. Congrats!
2022.09.09 MIWA gave a talk at the JSAE CFD Division Seminar (Invited)
2022.09.08 NISHIMURA won the Special Poster Award at AESJ Fall Meeting. Congrats!
2022.09.08 NISHIMURA and SHI presented at AESJ Fall Meeting
2022.08.23 OKAMOTO gave a talk at the Advance Soft Online Seminar (Invited)
2022.08.19 MIWA presented at Multiphase Flow Symposium 2022
2022.08.08 NISHIMURA presented at ICONE29
2022.07.19 Dr. Erdal Ozdemir joined our group. Welcome!
2022.07.06 Shun Fujita of ASIJ joined our group as a summer high school intern. Welcome!
2022.05.09 SHARMA and YOKOYAMA presneted at Japan-US Seminar on Two-phase Flow Dynamics
Fukushima-Daiichi NPP Accident was the Severe Accident. Understanding the severe accident is the key to develop the Safety Nuclear Systems. Severe accident is highly non-linear and complicated phenomena, combining the heat transfer, fission, decay heat, phase change and chemical reaction. Experimental and numerical approach on these phenomena reveal the physics of severe accident. Also, the safety decomissioning of nuclear reactors is most important issue in Japan. Many challenges on the Nuclear Safety is waiting your contributions.
Our research topics include Severe Accident simulation code development. Very high-temperature buckling, PCV spray cooling. Molten Corium Conrete Interaction, Thermal stratification at Suppression Pool, Physical evaluation of Fukushima-Daiichi Accident and so on.
原子力エネルギーをめぐる情勢は大きく転換点を迎えています.今までの路線を単純に走るのではなく、新しい価値観の元で、原子力エネルギーの安全活用、新型エネルギーシステムなど、チャレンジングな分野にTrail Blazerとなる人材を求めています.